2017. 01. 20 -- 02. 18


STAND UP! _ 董雅卉2017袋包創作展

Stand Up! Stand up and find the sense of belonging in space creating the fresh vision of aesthetics.

Working as the assistant professor of Fashion Design Department at Shih Chien University, Taiwan-born, Japan-trained bag designer Masa Tung, majored fashion design in university but has always dreamed to play the sparkling “supporting role” as the finishing touch for costume. In 2004, she was awarded with Japan's prestige Takashimaya International Scholarship to professionalize herself at Bunka Fashion Collage majoring bag design. She was awarded the prize of Taito Fashion Zaka Fair Jury Prize during the study. She went on to work for spic international Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Japan's ITOCHU Corporation, to face the challenges of the Japanese market. In 2009, Masa set up her own brand “PureDesign” in Tokyo and soon became the rising start domestically and internationally. She was the first Taiwanese designer being reported in the renowned “Japanese Leather Complete Book.”

During the study in Japan, Masa had created the bag collection combining “geta” (Japanese clogs) which had won a great response. Four years ago when she returned to Taiwan, she recalled her hometown with various imprints in her mind, a small wooden bench, actually brought her new inspirations and breakthroughs in new "Standing Bags" collection for this exhibition “Stand Up!”

The standing function is enabled by the super lightweight Indus wood base, which is the result of cooperation with Taiwanese carpenters. Selected upon the characteristics and design of the bags, high quality Italian soft or hard natural leather are being combined to create different series. For example: in order to meet the wishes from the daughter of having a dog, the sausage dog “GoGo bag” was born; the use of soft napa Italian leather became “Bucket Bag”; or the “Living Bag” which could standing in the loving corner of one’s home, etc. Each one so uniquely stands in front of our eyes.

In the beginning of the year of Rooster, Masa Tung’s whole new collection standing bags will be presented for the first time in Taiwan at MANO, bringing humor and groundbreaking thoughts to open the new relationship between bags and us, as well as to bring fresh idea into our living space!

Stand Up! 站在一個適合自己的位置上,找到一個屬於空間的美學新視野

現為實踐大學服裝設計系助理教授的董雅卉 Masa Tung ,過去留學日本的她,大學主修服裝設計,夢想竟是當個畫龍點睛的“ 配角”,在2004年接受日本高島屋國際獎學金的殊榮而前往日本進修,進入孕育出無數國際設計師的文化服裝學院,主修袋包設計 ; 在校期間即榮獲Taito Fashion Zaka Fair 評審團大獎肯定,畢業後,任職於日本伊藤忠集團子公司spic international株式會社,直接面對日本市場的挑戰 ; 2009 年Masa 即以旅日台灣設計師的身份,在東京成立她的個人品牌 —  PureDesign ,開始積極於國內、外各項展覽中嶄露頭腳,更成為「日本の革」專業皮件雜誌首位報導的台灣設計師。

留學期間將木屐結合袋包,得到了很大的迴響。四年前回台發展的她,憶起故鄉在她內心所留下的種種印記,一張小板凳,竟激發起她在袋包設計發想上的一連串的試驗以及突破,此次展出的全新”Standing Bags“系列,與台灣木工職人跨界合作輕質量的梧桐木底座,搭配義大利天然皮革,依據使用軟硬不同的皮革特性以及設計,發展出一系列,例如 : 為了滿足女兒養小狗願望而誕生的臘腸狗 GoGo 包、使用柔軟napa義大利牛皮所製作出來的Bucket Bag水桶包或是可以獨立站立於家中任何角落的Living Bag....等等將獨一無二地以”站姿“呈現在我們眼前。

在雞年開春之際,Masa Tung 以幽默顛覆傳統的袋包形式, 首次在台灣,在慢鏝曝光她的全新創作,就讓一個會站立的包包,開啟我們和袋包的新關係,也為空間帶來新的生活提案吧!

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螢幕快照 2017-02-15 19.45.48.png

展期 Time: 2017/ 01/20 - 2017/ 02/18

(春節期間 1/23 - 2/05休假 | 1/23- 2/05 MANO Lunar New Year holiday)

地點 Location: 慢鏝MANO| 台北市100中正區紹興南街18號

開幕茶會 Opening party:2017/ 01/ 21 (Sat.)  16:30

聯絡 Contact:02-23225601 |  mail@manomanman.com 

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網址 Web:www.manomanman.com