2013 -- 2014 one-year project
Mano Contemporary Jewellery & Object Gallery
After 3 years of taking on diverse projects, MANO has decided to take the next step to start a gallery to realize many ideas, dreams, and thoughts. In 2013, with the joint force of two devoted jewellery makers Shu-Lin Wu and Carissa Wen-Hsien Hsu, "Mano Contemporary Jewellery & Object Gallery" was established as the experimental platform for contemporary jewellery in Taiwan.
During this year, MANO Contemporary Jewellery & Object has held 7 exhibitions with about 115 artists involved, organized 3 talks, participated in 1 oversea fair, and hosted permanent collection pieces of over 40 artists from around the world. Through making exhibitions, holding talks, organizing events, and publishing books, MANO Contemporary Jewellery & Object would like to increase the visibility of contemporary jewellery in Taiwan and the surroundings, to promote the artistic value of these works, and to enforce the cohesion within the field.
MANO Contemporary Jewellery & Object is located in the charming 60-year-old Japanese style house housing the Café Trouvé in Taipei Shida area. With the help of Studio APL, the space is renovated to suit the best use for the gallery. The blending of old and new creates unique atmosphere and sets of the distinctiveness of the jewellery works shown. The open space is set up differently to suit every theme exhibition hosted about every six weeks while the black iron drawers represent each artist's little universe, presenting permanent collection pieces all year round.
2013 -- 2014 ㄧ年計劃
Mano 慢鏝當代首飾物件藝廊
『MANO慢鏝策展團隊』經過三年的試煉,在2013年決心跨入下個挑戰,兩位和我們有相同理念的旅歐熱血創作人吳淑麟及許文賢加入了這個一年計劃,一同成立了『 MANO慢鏝當代首飾.物件藝廊』,希望透過策展、講座、活動、出版書籍等形式,提升當代首飾在台灣的能見度,讓人更能了解當代首飾藝術的價值與魅力何在,進而喜愛與收藏,聚集更多相同理想的人和能量。在這一年的藝廊計劃裡,共精心策劃了七場不同主題的國際展,邀請了約115位國內外藝術家共同參與聯展,辦了三場座談,並參與了一場海外文博會,更邀請了來自世界各地近40位的常設藝術家作品進駐。
『 MANO慢鏝當代首飾.物件藝廊』位於台北師大商圈的找到咖啡館內,六十年屋齡的日式老建築經過力口建築設計團隊的巧思翻修後,帶著獨特且特殊性格的氛圍,就如同每一件獨一無二的當代首飾作品一樣迷人,不大的空間巧妙地被運用,開放的空間來呈現每六週換一次的不同主題展,而牆面一整排的黑鐵沖孔檔案櫃裡,則用來呈現常設作品,每一格抽屜就像是一個藝術家的小宇宙,提供觀賞者慢慢玩味。
Permanent Collection