00:00 - 23:59
Cherry Boonyapan當代首飾個展

死亡,是生命自然循環中的其中一站 ; 而時間(數字),則是我們生命的開端以及結束時得到的一串單位(數字),然而在這些的數字背後究竟乘載多少無法承受之輕 ?
生於泰國,在德國Pforzheim以及Idar-Oberstein都接受過嚴謹金銀細工專業證照以及學位的的 Cherry Boonyapan ,多年來,一直不間斷地探索生命的緣起,以及他消失後存在,這一次在慢鏝展出的系列,是Cherry多年來,以陶瓷、黑鐵、大理石、作為她以當代首飾的形式來表達延續生命的印記。
Cherry Boonyapan 頭一次將她 “ 00:00 - 11:59 ” 系列在慢鏝完整呈現,在心頭上的生死之念,歡迎慢鏝好朋友們,來坐坐,看看,聊聊,好久不見大家了。
Opening : 2018 / 09 / 01 本週六下午2點
展期:2018 09.01 ~ 09/15
開放時間:週二TUE.到週五FRI. 13:00 ~ 18:00.
00:00 - 23:59
Cherry Boonyapan Contemporary Jewellery SOLO Exhibition
Opening : 2018 / 09 / 01 14:00
Showtime:2018 / 09 / 01 ~ 09 / 15
Openhours: TUE.~ FRI. 13:00 ~ 18:00
concept of "00:00 - 11:59"
From my curiousness about relationship between the living and death in Western and Eastern culture context. Because my own experineces with many bereaveds and mourners, that left profoundly impacts our understanding and devoid of meaning and value and also it mirrored the social construction of death forms, how we see death today? What is important, though, is the ways in which memorializing democratizes death and gives a voice to minor grievers, those who are not given a place in society to grieve, either because of their position in society or because the type of death they have experienced is considered tabu or is not publicly acception. Whereas to emphasizing the impact of death, which it effects on the attitude and the death shapes behavior of living. Which attitude do we have towards death? In comparison to eighteen century that the activity with death was much more in a different variety of valediction, in the role of dying bed or even mourning feeling transformed into visible form in jewelry. The length of time one grieves is dependent upon many varying factors. It often takes many years for bereaved individuals to feel they are able to function normally again. My jewellery is a transcending the worlds of the living and the dead. Their meanings have shifted through the material and be aware of these shifting meanings as they move across cultures and time