感 流 形 

2014 01.08 -- 01.26

C U R R E N T 

In the beginning of the 2014, MANO has teamed up with Japanese contemporary jewellery group Orizzonti to present the touring exhibition “CURRENT”.

12 artists, with different backgrounds, from 7 countries, came together to think about the basic question: “where is the world going?” The name of the exhibition “CURRENT” not only stands for the flow of ideas but also what’s happening in the world now. Both those concepts are intended to be expressed through jewellery. Each piece is presented together with the concept video made by the artist.

In the book “Living with Art”, Mark Getlein proposes 6 activities, services or functions of contemporary artists :  1.Create places for some human purpose. / 2.Create extraordinary versions of ordinary objects. / 3.Record and commemorate. / 4.Give tangible form to the unknown. / 5.Give tangible form to feelings. / 6.Refresh our vision and help see the world in new ways.

 MANO is delighted to bring “CURRENT” to the current climate in Taiwan. Hoping to offer the viewers to see these extraordinary versions of ordinary objects which express memory, feelings, past and present, and the unknown and see the world in new light.




感 流 形

在2014年的開端,來自日本的當代首飾策展團隊Orizzonti,帶著他們自2010年就開始在世界巡迴的Current 展,來到台灣和慢鏝一起 ” 感 流 形 ”

 Orizzonti是義大利文 ”地平線” 的意思,是三位都從義大利Alchimia學校畢業的日本當代首飾創作者所組成的,畢業後她們存著共同衝破地平線的信念,帶著人們超越首飾藝術的未知領域,有意識地看見並感受”當下”我們眼前的世界。

在他們這幾年來的世界巡迴展中,”Current”這個主題一直在流動中被思考並重新被定義 ; 這次的展覽中,我們可以看到這12位來自七個國家,不同的背景藝術家們是如何詮釋他們的 ” 感 流 形 “

來自義大利的Elisa Deval在木造廢墟裡找尋祖母昔日的身影; 台灣藝術家Janny Huang Yokota 用粉狀的凝結將靈魂拉回到過去的某一個瞬間 ; 兩位希臘創作者,Rallou Katsari 挑戰波喜蕩草(Posidonia)與多媒材的無限潛力;Poly Nikolopoulou用線凝結了流動的瞬間;泰國藝術家Rudee Tancharoen 以扭曲來創造反向的創造力,並也造就新生命;來自法國的Manolya Konuk 揉合剛硬與柔軟,開啟詩意的新篇章;哥倫比亞的Maria Constanza Ochoa 用看似冷硬的金屬描述每個深刻細緻的瞬間。

五位日本創作者Karin Kato將過去一幕幕化成幾何,並點綴框成了美麗記憶 ; Meiri Ishida 則是在美醜之間找尋共存的方式 ; Yoko Shimizu互換了樹脂和木材的靈魂與肉體,並任由他們持續發酵著 ; Yoriko Mitsuhashi 要讓我們看到首飾形體的同時,發掘深藏於內的重要訊息;Yuki Sumiya 用四分銀拼貼出那些短暫的虛幻片刻。

踏入嶄新的2014年,慢鏝有幸能與和我們有著相同理想的Orizzonti站在一起,放眼世界;也許我們不清楚別人在趕甚麼流行,但我們的 ” 感 流 形 ”絕不隨波逐流,而是清楚堅定的站在崗位上,帶著經典的瞬間灑向全世界。


參展藝術家/ Participated artists:

Elisa Deval / Janny Huang Yokota / Karin Kato / Manolya Konuk / Maria Constanza Ochoa / Meiri Ishida / Poly Nikolopoulou / Rallou Katsari / Rudee Tancharoen / Yoriko Mitsuhashi / Yoko Shimizu / Yuki Sumiya