A jewel a day keeps wrinkles away  


2013 05. 01 -- 06. 16  

A jewel a day keeps wrinkles away  

Woman and jewellery had been inseparable since time began. Jewellery sets off the charming beauty of women. It enhances and makes women feel special and full of pride.

Contemporary jewellery is an autonomous art form free of limitation. Unlike the traditional jewellery, the value of contemporary jewellery does not lie in the material used, but in the stories behind, the emotion involved, and the feeling expressed. Same as modern women who are not to be judged by mere appearance but should be appreciated from all aspects. 

“Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles.”- Sonja Henie. To celebrate women and jewellery together, MANO invites fascinating diverse types of mothers to wear these fantastic jewellery works and the photographer RoHsuan Chen to interpret their silent conversation through her poetic lenses. Here the jewellery works go beyond decoration bringing out personality of the mothers who stand up for who they are and what they do.

A booklet of the photographic work of the jewelleries with the mothers from this unique project has been published by MANO.






索妮亞•海妮(Sonja Henie)曾說過:「首飾會讓人忘卻時間的印記」,MANO 慢鏝想要頌揚女性的美好,而策劃了『媽,不飾嗎?』當代首飾展,相信每個女人勢必因為有了首飾的妝點而更加獨特。我們邀請了多位不凡典型的母親,為她們配戴我們所挑選的當代首飾作品,並邀請攝影師陳若軒參與,透過她的鏡頭來詮釋媽媽們與首飾間的悄悄話,這些作品在她們身上不再只是一個裝飾品,而更讓母親們在走出家庭,走出職場後,回到她自己的內心深處,表現出那份柔軟卻堅毅的自信心。


邀請參與藝術家/ Participated artists :

Monika Brugger / Jantje Fleischhut / Eugenia Ingegno / Selen Özus / Tabea Reulecke / Felieke van der Leest/ Gieh-Wen Lin 林介文 / Carissa Wen-Hsien Hsu 許文賢 / Yu-Chun Chen 陳郁君 / Min-Ling Hsieh 謝旻玲

 邀請參與媽媽/ Participated mothers:

Claudia Yuan / Joe & Vicky / Yi-Huei Wu吳怡慧 / Weng-Chin Chou 周翁錦 / Tsui-Wei Ko 柯翠微 / Lai-Chun Hsu Huang 徐黃來春 / Chao-Yu Huang 黃昭玉 / Feng-Jung Chen 陳粉茸 / Hui-Ni Chen 陳慧霓 / Hui-Chen Shang 商慧珍 / Fu-Hui Chan 詹富慧 / Ting-Ju Hsieh 謝婷如 / Ching-Chi Hsieh Chuang 謝莊靜枝

攝影及腳本/ Photograph & Storytelling陳若軒 RoHsuan Chen

出版品 Publication:「媽,不飾嗎?」MANO慢鏝2013策展計劃No.4
